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Mosfet Power Loss

  • Mosfet Power Loss

    Mosfet Power Loss详细计算公式

    标签: Mosfet Power Loss

    上传时间: 2015-06-15


  • 优化输电线路 精确测量电压驻波比(VSWR)

    Abstract: Impedance mismatches in a radio-frequency (RF) electrical transmission line cause power loss andreflected energy. Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is a way to measure transmission line imperfections. Thistutorial defines VSWR and explains how it is calculated. Finally, an antenna VSWR monitoring system is shown.

    标签: VSWR 输电线路 精确测量 电压驻波比

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • PW1555-2.0.pdf规格书

    PW1555 is a programmable current limit switch with input voltage range selection and outputvoltage clamping. Extremely low RDS(ON) of the integrated protection N-channel FET helps toreduce power loss during the normal operation. Programmable soft-start time controls the slew rateof the output voltage during the start-up time. Independent enable control allows the complicatedsystem sequencing control. It integrates the over-temperature protection shutdown andautorecovery with hystersis

    标签: pw1555

    上传时间: 2022-02-14


  • CR6221 Current Mode PWM Power Switch

    CR6221 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is opti

    标签: Current Switch Power 6221

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • CR6228 Current Mode PWM Power Switch

    CR6228 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is opti

    标签: Current Switch Power 6228

    上传时间: 2013-05-17


  • 实际应用条件下Power+MOSFET开关特性研究


    标签: MOSFET Power 实际应用 条件下

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • Line+Loss+Analysis

    It has been over a decade since the Chinese publication of Line Loss in Electric Power Systems. To keep pace with technological developments, I started a revision as early as 2002, following the main principles that the theoretical framework and characteristics of the first edition should be retained, with new contents added according to new problems after the reform of electric power systems and the new requirements for line loss management practices and in combination with practical experience.

    标签: Analysis Line Loss

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Parallel Power Electronics Filters

    Power Electronics is one of modern and key technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for green power, sustainable energy systems, and smart grids. Especially, the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids is currently a global trend. The gradual increase of distributed generators in smart grids indicates a wide and important role for power electronic converters in the electric power system, also with the increased use of power electronics devices (nonlinear loads) and motor loadings, low cost, low-loss and high-performance shunt current quality compensators are highly demanded by power customers to solve current quality problems caused by those loadings.

    标签: Electronics Parallel Filters Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • MOSFET开关过程的研究及米勒平台振荡的抑制

    设计功率MOSFET驱动电路时需重点考虑寄生参数对电路的影响。米勒电容作为MOSFET器件的一项重要参数,在驱动电路的设计时需要重点关注。重点观察了MOSFET的开通和关断过程中栅极电压、漏源极电压和漏源极电流的变化过程,并分析了米勒电容、寄生电感等寄生参数对漏源极电压和漏源极电流的影响。分析了栅极电压在米勒平台附近产生振荡的原因,并提出了抑制措施,对功率MOSFET的驱动设计具有一定的指导意义。When designing the drive circuit of power MOSFET,the influence of parasitic parameters on the circuit should be concerned.As an important parameter of MOSFET device,Miller capacitance should be considered in the design of drive circuit.The variation of gate voltage,drain source voltage and drain source current during the turn-on and turn-off of MOSFET were observed.The influences of parasitic parameters such as Miller capacitance and parasitic inductance on drain source voltage and drain source current were analyzed.The reasons of gate voltage oscillation nearby Miller plateau were analyzed,and the restraining measures were put forward.This research was instructive for the drive design of power MOSFET.

    标签: mosfet

    上传时间: 2022-04-02



    MOSFET和IGBT内部结构不同, 决定了其应用领域的不同.1, 由于MOSFET的结构, 通常它可以做到电流很大, 可以到上KA,但是前提耐压能力没有IGBT强。2,IGBT 可以做很大功率, 电流和电压都可以, 就是一点频率不是太高, 目前IGBT硬开关速度可以到100KHZ,那已经是不错了. 不过相对于MOSFET的工作频率还是九牛一毛,MOSFET可以工作到几百KHZ,上MHZ,以至几十MHZ,射频领域的产品.3, 就其应用, 根据其特点:MOSFET应用于开关电源, 镇流器, 高频感应加热, 高频逆变焊机, 通信电源等等高频电源领域;IGBT 集中应用于焊机, 逆变器, 变频器,电镀电解电源, 超音频感应加热等领域开关电源 (Switch Mode Power Supply ;SMPS) 的性能在很大程度上依赖于功率半导体器件的选择,即开关管和整流器。虽然没有万全的方案来解决选择IGBT还是MOSFET的问题,但针对特定SMPS应用中的IGBT 和 MOSFET进行性能比较,确定关键参数的范围还是能起到一定的参考作用。本文将对一些参数进行探讨,如硬开关和软开关ZVS ( 零电压转换) 拓扑中的开关损耗,并对电路和器件特性相关的三个主要功率开关损耗—导通损耗、传导损耗和关断损耗进行描述。此外,还通过举例说明二极管的恢复特性是决定MOSFET或 IGBT 导通开关损耗的主要因素, 讨论二极管恢复性能对于硬开关拓扑的影响。导通损耗除了IGBT的电压下降时间较长外, IGBT和功率MOSFET的导通特性十分类似。由基本的IGBT等效电路(见图1)可看出,完全调节PNP BJT集电极基极区的少数载流子所需的时间导致了导通电压拖尾( voltage tail )出现。

    标签: mosfet igbt

    上传时间: 2022-06-21
